About Us

Macao Association for the Promotion of Exchange between Asia-Pacific and Latin America (MAPEAL)

MAPEAL is a non-profit making organization established officially in 2005, with the support of Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the collaboration of the different public and private entities in Macau and overseas, for the common goal of realizing the government’s strategic vision of making Macau a unique and strong platform in the region. To cope with the internal and external needs, MAPEAL is dedicated to the promotion of exchange and link between Macau, China and Latin America, specifically in the areas of culture, business, tourism, academic research, publication, information exchange, and training.

In pursuance of MAPEAL’s mission, the main initiatives and activities to be carried out are:


MAPEAL exerts every effort to achieve its mission through the different works mentioned above. Among all the events and activities, two annual events are to be organized regularly between October and November/December of each year. The “Latin American Cultural Festival” scheduled to be held from early October until end of November encompassing 9 to 14 activities for the promotion of cultural exchange (coupled with certain business matching activities). Another important annual event is the “Latin American Pavilion” and the related seminars/forums organized in mid-October at the “Macao International Trade and Investment Fair” for the promotion of business cooperation and exchange.

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澳門亞太拉美交流促進會 (MAPEAL) 為一所非牟利機構,在2005年根據當時國內外形勢發展的需要,在特區政府和境內外各方的鼓勵和支持下正式註冊成立,宗旨以澳門作為仲介平台促進亞太與拉美兩地在文化、學術研究、出版、資訊、商業、旅遊及培訓等方面的合作與交流,具體實踐特區政府將澳門建立為服務平臺的策略構想。




其中於2007年舉辦的 第十三屆國際拉美及加勒比研究聯盟大會是澳門首個有關拉美及加勒比研究的大型國際學術會議,為期四天的會議聚集了來自34個國家和地區共四百多人在澳門就相關議題進行討論和交流。大會由時任澳門特別行政區長官何厚鏵博士主持開幕,並有來自多國的主講嘉賓每天輪流發表專題演說,如中國外交學院吳建民院長、哥倫比亞前文化部長Katya Gonzales Rosales女士、秘魯前外長兼著名作家Fernando de Trazegnies Granda教授、國際拉美及加勒比研究聯盟主席Riccardo Campa教授、中國前駐墨西哥及智利大使黃士康先生、中國全國拉美學會會長蘇振興先生等。

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